861.00/6211: Telegram

The Consul at Harbin ( Jenkins ) to the Secretary of State

Following from Harris, Chita:

“January 19, 9 a.m. Somewhat garbled telegram received from Vice Consul Ray dated January 14th from point between Krasnoyarsk [Page 531] and Nishniudinsk indicates that Colonel Blunt and seven American engineers, as well as Ford, Charette, Medille and several other American Red Cross and entire Polish Army has been captured by Bolsheviki at Klyuchinskaya. Vice Consuls Hansen and Ray, also Hinkel Brewster and 20 mostly Russian Red Cross personnel succeeded in reaching Chernorechensk. Czech rear guard now fighting Bolsheviki.

Koichak now held prisoner Irkutsk by Social Revolutionaries. Not clear whether he proceeded from Mshmiudinsk under Czech guard or own train. Reports in this respect conflicting. One report states that Koichak refused Czech escort and proceeded alone but was arrested near Irkutsk by workmen and was handed to Social Revolutionaries. Reported Chita that Japanese commander Irkutsk has asked for instructions whether or not he shall escort Koichak to Chita.”
