
The Secretary of State to the Portuguese Chargé (De Montalvão)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of February 21, 1920, in which you inquire whether this Government will agree to the extension of the Arbitration Convention, concluded between the United States and Portugal on April 6, 1908. You state that your Government desires to conclude a new Agreement at Lisbon, identical with that concluded at Washington on June 28, 1913.

[Page 423]

In reply I have the honor to state that this Government will be pleased to renew for a period of five years from November 14, 1918, the Arbitration Convention, concluded between the United States and Portugal on April 6, 1908 and extended for five years by the Agreement concluded between these Governments on June 28, 1913.

With a view to expediting the conclusion of an agreement of this character I have the honor to enclose herewith a draft of the Agreement3 which has the approval of this Government. I shall be pleased if you will inform me whether it is satisfactory to your Government, and if so I shall be grateful if you will supply me with the Portuguese equivalent thereof.

Accept [etc.]

Bainbridge Colby
  1. Not printed.