817.00/2751: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Jefferson)
57. Your 68, December 23, 10 a.m.
You are instructed to attend the inauguration of Don Diego Manuel Chamorro. The Department believes that no announcement by the Legation of the decision of this Government to recognize Don Diego Chamorro as President of Nicaragua is necessary and that your presence at the inauguration will be sufficient indication [Page 313] to the people of Nicaragua and to the Governments of the other Central American Republics of the intention of the Government of the United States to deal with Diego Chamorro, after his inauguration, as the Constitutional President of the Republic. The customary telegram of formal felicitation will be sent by the President on January 1.
It has not yet been determined whether General Crowder will be able to undertake the duty of assisting the Government of Nicaragua in the drafting of a new election law. As soon as a decision on this point is reached, you will be notified by cable accordingly and in the event that General Crowder is unable to accept this duty, the Department will endeavor to procure, as soon as possible, some other expert qualified to undertake this work.