817.00/2708: Telegram

The Minister in Nicaragua (Jefferson) to the Secretary of State

46. Referring to my cable of September 25, noon.8 The President informs me that he will issue an order to all officials giving equal immunity to the respective representative members of the parties to [Page 304] participate equally with the election boards in accordance with article 43 of the election law and also that the election boards will be notified to accept ballots from all voters without hindrance at which time names of voters are to be registered and after the ballots have all been cast the members of the election boards together with the party representatives will check names of voters with the catalogues in order to determine correctness ballots legally cast.

In regard to lists submitted by Coalitionists the President absolutely refuses to accept them on ground of illegality and moreover for the reason that previous registration Coalitionists refused to treat with a commission sent by him to arrange for the presentation of such lists and Coalitionists were instructed not to register.

I informed the President that in future deemed it advisable to save trouble in the end that lists above referred to be taken into account.

Yesterday Guatemalan Minister and Cuban Minister directed joint note to both Conservative and Coalition Parties to the effect that they would be glad to offer their good offices in assisting the two parties to accept candidates drawn by lot from their respective sides with equal division of government offices or tickets composed of Conservative president with Coalition vice president or vice versa. This suggestion was not well received by the Government party which considers same rather presumptuous on their part. Two important members of Coalition stated to me that if they wanted intervention they would request it of the United States.

There is considerable anxiety in the country over approaching elections.

It now appears as though there would be no change in party tickets before elections and all parties will vote.

  1. Not printed.