812.00/24776: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Governor of California (Stephens)

I have your telegram of November 19 stating that several United States governors are invited to the inaugural ceremonies of President-elect Obregón of Mexico and asking whether the State Department advises the trip being made.

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The State Department has no advice to give on the question but I call your attention to the obvious fact that the governors are undoubtedly invited because they are governors. In view of the fact that recognition has not yet been accorded to Mexico their attendance would undoubtedly receive the significance in the minds of the Mexicans which their high official station in this country must of necessity suggest. It is a matter for you to consider in these aspects, and one upon which naturally the Department is reluctant to advise, although we clearly perceive the possibility of misconstruction and other regrettable results as the sequel of such a visit.

Bainbridge Colby