701.3212/60: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State


102. Brazilian Government having asked the Carranza Government to accept Feitosa, Brazilian Minister to Paraguay, as Brazilian Minister to Mexico and the Carranza Government having fallen before giving an answer, the present Mexican Government agreed to accept Feitosa although since it did so the Brazilian Government has not again referred to the matter. Present Mexican Government then named Alvaro Torre Díaz, Mexican Minister to Brazil and started him toward Rio de Janeiro on steamship Avare which is due here to-morrow.

Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs which wishes to cooperate with present Washington policy in regard to recognition of present Mexican Government is embarrassed by Díaz’ prospective arrival, [Page 189] more especially because before leaving for Europe Rodrigo Octavio, Under Secretary of State, stated to Mexican Chargé d’Affaires that Brazil would consult the American Government in regard to Díaz reception.

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