The Confidential Agent of the Provisional Government of Mexico (Díaz) to the Chief of the Division of Mexican Affairs, Department of State (Johnston)
Highly Esteemed Sir: I have the honor to inform you that in compliance with instructions from Señor don Adolfo de la Huerta, Acting Constitutional President of the Mexican Republic, I turned over the Embassy on this day to Señor don Fernando Iglesias Calderón, High Commissioner of my Government, with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
I gladly avail myself of this opportunity to tender you my thanks for the kind attentions shown me while I had charge of the interests of my country at this capital and more particularly for the spirit of cordiality in which you were pleased to attend to all the matters which I have had to bring before the Division in your charge in connection with my official duties.
I take [etc.]