812.00/24127: Telegram
The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:55 p.m.]
267. In a note dated 27th instant the dean of the diplomatic corps transmitted to me a copy of a note received by him from [Page 169] Juan Sanchez Azcona [in] charge of Mexican Chancery enclosing a copy of a Mexican Congressional decree dated 24th instant addressed to Azcona officially providing that “the Congress of the United Mexican States under the authority granted it in article 84 of the Constitution” declares that Adolfo de la Huerta is Substitute President of the Republic [of] Mexico for the term ending November 30 this year and summons him to appear before Congress and take the oath of office on June 1st next.
Mr. Azcona requested Mr. Malbran to bring this decree to the attention of his colleagues.