
The Mexican Chargé (Diego-Fernández) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to apply to Your Excellency with reference to previous communications22 and to say to you that the rebels against the Mexican Government are still displaying unusual activity through their agents in the territory of the United States, injuring the good standing and good name of the Constitutional Government of Mexico and openly failing to show the consideration and respect that are due to the personnel of this Embassy and also to the consular offices of the Mexican Government.

The public manner in which those gentlemen act, as may be seen from the clippings which I take the liberty of enclosing,23 is in my opinion adding insult to injury and places the Embassy and the Consulates in a most awkward situation without any warrant and hampers those offices in the discharge of their duties.

In view of the foregoing, I take the liberty of asking Your Excellency kindly to issue suitable orders to the proper authorities in order to bring to an end the scandalous attitude of rebel agents toward a friendly government.

Thanking Your Excellency for the measures you may be pleased to adopt in this case,24 I gladly avail myself [etc.]

S. Diego-Fernández
  1. Not printed.
  2. The clippings are from the New York Tribune, May 20, 1920. News items not printed; advertisement reads as follows:

    To Steamship Lines, Shippers and Passengers

    All Consular Papers to Mexican Ports must be authorized by the Commercial Agency of the Liberal Constitutionalist Government of Mexico. The Mexican authorities will not accept documents certified by the Ex-Consuls of Mexico in the United States.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    This Commercial Agency is in charge of Mr. Francisco Tejeda Llorca, 131 St. Charles St., 2nd. Floor. Main 1309.

  3. Marginal note by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Mexican Affairs, Department of State, reads: “5/27/20 Owing to overthrow of Carranza Government, no action taken. R. C. T[anis].”