File No. 763.72/9478

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State


3264. My 3231, February 21, 11 a.m.1 I am in receipt of note from Foreign Office stating that French Government is disposed for its part to give satisfaction to the desire expressed by the Greek Government and that French Government in consequence considers that the Allies might state to the Cabinet at Athens taking the occasion of the mobilization that it can count on their complete support in the efforts which it is making for the liberation of the territory and for the protection of the liberties of Greece.

On the other hand, the note continues, the British Government has communicated to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs a telegram from the British Minister at Athens relative to the proposals made by General Bordeaux according to which it would be opportune for the French and British Governments to make a declaration to the Greek Government concerning their intention never to allow King Constantine to return to Greece. Mr. Balfour informed Lord Granville that such a declaration did not seem to him necessary, but that he authorized him to inform Mr. Venizelos that in case he considered it desirable, the British Government would support him in any energetic local action which he desired to prevent a movement in favor of King Constantine.

The French Government would be disposed to make a similar declaration to the one proposed by Mr. Balfour as above.

Mr. Pichon desires to know the opinion of our Government in this respect.

  1. Not printed; see telegram to the Ambassador in Great Britain, No. 6611, Feb. 18 (mutatis mutandis, to France), ante, p. 126.