File No. 763.72/10592

The French Ambassador ( Jusserand) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: I am informed by my Government that the President of the Republic will to-morrow deliver its flag to the Czech Army of France and on that occasion will make a solemn declaration affirming the wishes of our country for the independence of that nation.

This manifestation will take place at a moment which, owing to the agitation for freedom now going on in the Czech countries, appears to be particularly propitious. My Government believes that its effect will be greatly enhanced if similar sentiments among the Allies were manifested on that occasion, and would be glad if telegrams could be exchanged to that effect between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the countries united in the defense of the principles of liberty.

Referring to the oral statement by which I had given an intimation of the proposition to Your Excellency’s Department, I have [Page 817] the honor to append hereto in compliance with my instructions the text of the telegram sent to you by His Excellency Mr. Pichon, and I should be very thankful to you if you should see fit to answer it so that your telegram could be published in the French newspapers on Tuesday. The fact that President Wilson’s and Your Excellency’s declarations again repeated yesterday entirely agree with our own inclinations affords me the hope that you will kindly accede to the proposition I have the honor to lay before you, and inform Mr. Pichon that the Government of the United States shares our views and is disposed to uphold them in accord with us.

Be pleased to accept [etc.]


The French Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Pichon) to the Secretary of State

The President of the Republic is delivering to-day its flag to the Czecho-Slovak Army organized through voluntary enlistments on the French front.

The Government of the Republic, true to the principles of respect for nationalities and the liberty of oppressed peoples for which it is fighting by the side of its Allies, takes this opportunity to recognize the National Council as the supreme organization of the Czechoslovak movement in the Entente countries, and, inspired by the high, idealistic sentiments expressed by President Wilson, considers to be just and well-founded the claims of the Czecho-Slovak people, as well as of the other oppressed nationalities of Slav origin, and declares that it will support in all earnestness the aspirations to independence for which its soldiers are fighting in the ranks of the Allies.