File Nos. 763.72119/1670, 1678

The Minister in Rumania ( Vopicka) to the Secretary of State


77. Referring to Department’s 180, March 23.1 Following is copy of peace treaty between Roumania and Central Powers as published by the press. No official copy has yet been received, but should there be any difference I shall telegraph the corrections and also any additions there may be:

Text of the Peace Treaty Made between Roumania and the Central Powers2

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey of the one part and Roumania of the other, led by the desire to stop the state of war between them, and to establish friendly relations between their people in political, judicial and economic respects, have decided to transform the preliminaries of peace signed at Bacau, March 5, old style, into a definitive peace treaty. Thus the plenipotentiaries of the several Governments shown above [ … ] having assembled at Bucharest to continue the peace negotiations, and after presenting their full powers have come to a common understanding on the following articles.

[Page 772]

chapter i

Article 1. The Central Powers on one side and Roumania on the other declare that the state of war between them is finished; the contracting parties have decided from now on to live in peace and friendship.

Art. 2. Diplomatic and consular relations between the contracting parties will commence immediately after the ratification of the peace treaty.

In reference to the mutual admission of consuls there will be a future convention.

chapter ii

Art. 3. Demobilization of the Roumanian Army will take place immediately after the peace treaty is signed in conformity with the dispositions in articles 4–7.

Art. 4. General military services, superior headquarters, and military establishments will remain as provided for in the last peace budget.

Divisions 11–15 will be demobilized as decided in the convention of Focsani on March 8, old style.

Of the Roumanian divisions 1–10, the two infantry divisions now in Bessarabia, including also the chasseur battalions and the two cavalry divisions of the Roumanian Army, will remain on a war footing up to the time when, due to military operations of the Central Powers in the Ukraine, there will be no danger for the Roumanian frontiers.

The other eight divisions will be kept in Moldavia at reduced peace strength, maintaining their general staff and headquarters. Each division will be composed of lour infantry regiments, each of three battalions; two cavalry regiments, each of lour squadrons; two field artillery regiments, each of seven batteries; one engineer battalion; and the necessary technical troops and trains which will be decided later; however, the total strength of these eight divisions must not be over 20,000 infantry, 3,200 cavalry, and 9,000 men for the entire Roumanian artillery, exclusive of the divisions which remain mobilized.

The divisions remaining mobilized in Bessarabia will be brought in case of demobilization to the same reduced peace strength as the eight divisions mentioned above.

Military units which were not a part of the peace establishment will be abolished. The length of the active military service will remain the same as in time of peace. Reservists, comprising also men from the cavalry regiments, will not be called up for manœuvres until after the general peace.

Art. 5. The artillery, machine-guns, rifles, horses, vehicles and munition deposits on hand after the demobilization or abolishment of various corps will be delivered for safe keeping till the general peace to the High Command of the allied military forces in the occupied territory, where they will be guarded and administered by troops of the Roumanian Army under the supervision of the High Command.

[Page 773]

The munitions which will be left in the possession of the Roumanian troops in Moldavia are fixed at 250 rounds per rifle, 2,500 rounds per machine gun, and 150 shells per cannon.

The Roumanian Army has the right with the consent of the High Command of the allied military forces to replace from the deposits in the occupied territory material no longer fit for service, and to the replacing of munitions used.

The divisions which remain mobilized in Bessarabia will retain the necessary war munitions.

Art. 6. Until the evacuation of occupied Rumanian territory the demobilized troops must remain in Moldavia. [There] are excepted from this the services and troops mentioned in article 5, paragraph 1, needed for guarding the arms and material deposited in the occupied territory.

Reserve officers and men who are demobilized may return to the occupied territory, active officers must receive permission from the High Command of the allied forces to return there.

Art. 7. To the Chief Roumanian Headquarters in Moldavia an officer of the General Staff of the allied powers will be attached as liaison officer with staff; an officer of the Roumanian General Staff will be attached as liaison officer with staff to the allied High Command in the occupied territory.

[Paragraph dealing with railways not received in telegraphic text.]

Art. 8. Up to the time of establishment of order in Bessarabia the river and sea forces will be left with their entire man power and armament, except as reduced by article 9. After that, these forces will be reduced to peace strength.

From this are excepted the military forces used as river police and for the protection of commercial navigation on the Black Sea, as also those needed for clearing the mine fields. Immediately after the signing of peace these naval river forces will be put at the disposition of the river police organization as provided in a special convention in regard to the naval military forces. The Naval Technical Commission of the Black Sea has the right of disposal. To establish connection with this commission, a Roumanian naval officer will be attached to it.

Art. 9. All men in the army and navy who, during peace time, were working in ports or in navigation, must on demobilization be set free so they may be able to commence work in their former occupations.

chapter iii

Art. 10. Roumania cedes to the allied powers Dobruja to the Danube, namely between the thalweg and Black Sea to the Channel of Saint George.

The allied powers guarantee that Roumania secures an assured commercial route to the Black Sea through Cernavoda-Constantza.

Art. 11. Roumania consents that her frontier shall be rectified in favor of Austria-Hungary in such manner that the new frontier will be in future as follows: (Here follows a long detailed description of the line of the new north and west frontiers as shown on the map [Page 774] which is a part of the peace treaty. As this description is useless without the map I have not telegraphed same, but will endeavor to send later). Two mixed missions composed of an equal number of representatives of the interested powers will establish the new frontier line after the ratification of peace.

Art. 12. The Roumanian state possessions in the territory ceded pass to the state who receives these lands, without charge and without obligations; however, the rights of civilians will be respected. The fact that the lands formerly belonged to Roumania will put no obligation either on Roumania or the state receiving the lands.

In addition, the states to whom these territories are ceded will conclude with Roumania, among others, conventions regarding the following points:

With regard to the citizenship of the former Roumanian inhabitants of these territories they must be accorded in each case the right of option and emigration;
With regard to the arrangements for the property of communes which are cut by the new frontiers;
With regard to arrangements for the archives and official documents of the courts and civil administrations;
With regard to the policing of the new frontier;
With regard to the effect of the change of territory on religious jurisdiction;
With regard to the effect of territorial change in reference to state conventions.

chapter iv

Art. 13. The contracting parties reciprocally renounce any war damages, that is, as to the expenses of the states for the carrying on of the war.

For the regulation of the losses the war has caused special conventions will be made.

chapter v

Art. 14. The Roumanian territory occupied by the military forces of the allied powers, taking into account the dispositions in chapter III, will be evacuated during a period which will be determined later. During the time of occupation the strength of the army of occupation, not including the formations necessary for economic needs, will not exceed six divisions.

Art. 15. Until the ratification of the treaty of peace the present administration of the occupied territory with all its rights will remain in power. Immediately after the signing of the peace treaty the Roumanian Government will have the right to appoint, and to retire from service, those whom they wish.

Art. 16. After the ratification of the treaty of peace,1 the civil administration of the occupied territory will be delivered again to the Roumanian authorities in accordance with articles 17 and 18 [17 to 23?].

Art. 17. Until the evacuation of the occupied territories, in accordance with the wish of the Roumanian Government, there will [Page 775] be attached to each of the Roumanian ministries a civil official of the administration of occupation, who will facilitate as much as possible the passage of the civil administration into the hand of the Roumanian authorities.

On the other hand, the Roumanian authorities must give effect to the dispositions which the commanders of the army of occupation will judge necessary in the interest of the security of the occupied territories, as also the security, lodging and rationing of their troops.

The means of communication, especially railroad, postal and telegraph services, will remain until new dispositions under military administration but they will also be put at the disposition of the Roumanian authorities and civil population in accordance with understandings which will be arrived at in this regard.

The cooperation of the High Command in regard to questions of the circulation of money and payments as well as in finance and operations of the National Bank and the Central Office of Popular Banks will be settled later by a special convention.

Art. 18. The jurisdiction in the occupied territory will be taken over by the Roumanian courts under reservation of the provisions made in paragraphs 2 and 3.

The jurisdiction in regard to persons belonging to the army of the occupation, in penal as well as civil cases, as also the police power with reference to these persons, remains in the hands of the allied powers.

Penal acts against the army of occupation will be judged by military courts, as also acts against the orders of the administration of occupation, as long as these orders remain in force as per article 22, paragraph 1. Also, the affairs which were being adjudicated by the tribunals established by the administration of occupation before the ratification of the treaty of peace will be terminated by them.

Art. 19. Concerning communications between the occupied and unoccupied territories, the High Command of the army of occupation will make the necessary arrangements with the Roumanian Government. The return to the occupied territory can be made only in such measure as the Roumanian Government will assure the upkeep of those returning by importing a corresponding supply of food from Moldavia or Bessarabia.

Art. 20. After the ratification of the peace treaty the army of occupation will not be able to make requisitions either in money or in kind except as provided in paragraph 2.

The right of the High Command of the army of occupation to requisition cereals, vegetables, forage, wool, cattle and meat from the products of 1918, also wood and petrol and the derivatives of petrol, remains in force as also the right to make the necessary dispositions in regard to the acquisition, manufacture, transport and distribution of the products. For this will be taken into consideration the establishing of a regulated plan for taking the same over, as also for the supply necessary for Roumanian needs; this is to be regulated by future conventions between the High Command and the Roumanian Government.

Besides this the Roumanian Government must give effect to the requests of the High Command for the execution of requisitions for the needs of the army of occupation as also for other requisitions [Page 776] which must be delivered by Roumania in conformity with future conventions which will be made.

Art. 21. Beginning with the ratification of the peace treaty the support of the army of occupation as also the requisitions made for it will be made on account of Roumania. Objects which are not requisitioned for the army of occupation will be paid for beginning from the ratification of peace by the allied powers from their own means.

Art. 22. In regard to the details of the delivery provided for in article 16 to the civil administration, as also in regard to the withdrawal of orders published by the administration of occupation, a special convention will be made. From the fact of these orders claims of damage cannot be brought. Also will be respected the rights of third parties gained on the basis of orders. Forced administrators and liquidators appointed by the administration of occupation can be called to penal or civil account for any departure from their duties only with the approval of the High Command of the army of occupation; afterwards, for their activities as such, no punishment or prejudice can result.

Art. 23. The expenses incurred in the occupied territory by the allied powers for public works, comprising also industrial enterprises, will be returned to these powers at the time of surrender.

Up to the time of withdrawal from the occupied territories the industrial enterprises mentioned in paragraph 1 will remain under military administration, but in the use of their products will be taken into consideration the internal needs of Roumania.

chapter vi

Art. 24. Roumania will conclude an act for navigation of the Danube with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey on the following basis: (Dispositions in regard to this treaty follow.)

Art. 25. Missing. [Provides for the administration by Roumania of property of the Commission of the Mouths of the Danube.]

Art. 26. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and Roumania have the right to keep war vessels on the Danube. These can navigate downstream to the sea and upstream to the upper frontier of their own state.

They cannot, however, enter into connection with the bank of another state or anchor there except with the approval obtained through diplomatic channels of such state, except in case of force majeure.

Each power represented in the Commission of the Mouths of the Danube has the right to keep two light war vessels at the mouth of the Danube as stationary vessels. These can also stay as far up the river as Braila without special authorization. In the ports and waters of the Danube will be recognized to the war vessels mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 all privileges and usages for war vessels.

chapter vii

Art. 27. In Roumania will be recognized to the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Greek United, Protestant, Mohammedan and Jewish [Page 777] religions the same liberty and legal and administrative protection as the Roman [Rumanian] Orthodox religion. Particularly must be recognized the right to establish parishes or religious communities and schools, which will be considered as private schools and will not be impeded in their activities except in the case when such affect the security of the state or public order.

The students can be obliged to take part in the religious study in all public and private schools only in so far as the professors are teaching them their own confession.

Art. 28. Difference in religious belief must not exercise in Roumania any influence over political and civil rights.

The principle expressed in paragraph 1 will be brought to fulfillment also in regard to the naturalization of the inhabitants of Roumania who are not subjects of other states, comprising also the Jews regarded formerly as foreigners. There will be decreed in Roumania at the time of the ratification of peace a law by which in each case all those without nationality who have taken part in the war either in active military service or in the auxiliary service or those resident in the country who were born there of parents born there, will be recognized without other considerations as Roumanian citizens with full rights and as such will be registered at the tribunals. The acquisition of Roumanian citizenship will extend also to the wives, widows, and minor children of such persons.

chapter viii

Art. 29. The economic relations between the allied powers and Roumania will be settled by special conventions which form an integral part of the peace treaty and enter into force at the same time unless it is otherwise provided. The same applies also in regard to the reestablishment of public and private relations, the regulation of war and civil damages, the exchange of prisoners and interned civilians, the grant of amnesty, as well as in regard to the treatment of vessels and any other means of transportation which fell into the hands of the adversaries.

Art. 30. For the interpretation of this treaty the following texts are authoritative: the German and Roumanian texts for relations between Germany and Roumania; German, Hungarian and Roumanian texts for relations between Austria-Hungary and Roumania; Bulgarian and Roumanian texts for relations between Bulgaria and Roumania; Turkish and Roumanian texts for relations between Turkey and Roumania.

Art. 31. This treaty of peace will be ratified and the documents for the ratification will be exchanged as soon as possible at Vienna.

This treaty of peace enters into force, unless otherwise agreed, immediately on its ratification.

In which faith the plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty of peace and affixed their official seals.

Done at Bucharest, in five copies, May 7, 1918.

  1. Not printed.
  2. With slight corrections based on the text later received by pouch (File No. 763.72119/1780).
  3. End of first section of the telegram.