File No. 763.72119/1603
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10.11 p.m.]
3650. Following joint telegram from Allied ministers dated Jassy, April 16:
Information has reached us from a reliable source that Mr. Marghiloman is more and more convinced of the victory of the Central Powers. Doubtless relying on German information, he expresses the opinion, which is widely shared here, that the latest events on the western front prove the powerlessness of the Allied Powers to oppose the Central Powers, before the latter have had time to utilize the various immense resources of Russia. Marghiloman adds that even under the hypothesis, inadmissible in his eyes, of the victory of the Entente, Roumania would have nothing to expect in spite of the enormous sacrifices imposed on her by her intervention. He bases this opinion on information given him at Bucharest according to which the United States is said to have undertaken that Austria-Hungary shall have her hands left free as regards the Balkans.
By reason of the delicate origin of this information no [exact] allusion should be made concerning it in press telegrams. But it is of the highest importance that the American Government should be induced to make an immediate declaration denying any negotiation [with] Austria-Hungary and especially any engagement as regards the Balkans. This declaration should be widely published without delay. It would be more efficacious if the other Allies associated themselves thereto. It would be well to exercise care also that the radiograms concerning the military situation are drawn up so as to reestablish faith in the victory of the Allied Powers. We must not conceal from ourselves that if Roumanian opinion prevents [inclines] in this direction we shall be exposed to the danger of seeing the Roumanian Army lend the enemy its indirect assistance in the form of an expedition of contingents to southern Russia. On the other hand there is reason to call attention to the violent discontent created by the demands of the Austro-Germans and to general yearning towards Transylvania by reason of the union with Bessarabia. This aspiration was most pronounced on the occasion of the coming to Jassy of the delegates from Bessarabia.