File No. 763.72119/1453
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11.54 p.m.]
3228 [3328]. Joint telegram from Allied ministers at Jassy dated March 9:
We made [the President of] the Council the presumptive declaration announced in [our] telegram of yesterday regarding war material.1 General Averesco assured us in the clearest terms that no demand for the delivery of Russian or Roumanian material had ever been formulated by the Germans. He added that if such a demand were made it would be rejected considering that when accepting to negotiate with the enemy he had had especially in view the preservation of the Army so as to reserve the future and that the Army without material in the geographical situation of Roumania would be non-existing. We have taken note of these assurances which, however, we transmit with the reservations that the present situation … impose.
- Apparently referring to telegram of the same date, infra. ↩