File No. 763.72/8985

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State


3246. Joint telegram from the Allied ministers at Jassy dated February 24:

General Averesco left yesterday for Bucharest where he will meet Messrs. von Kühlmann and Czernin. The advance of the Austro-Germans in Russia without any resistance being offered as well as the aggravation of anarchy and hostility against Roumanians strengthens every day the pacifist tendency. Peace must be fully considered, therefore, as inevitable unless the enemy’s conditions are too humiliating. We are endeavoring by all means possible to strive against this current. The President of the Council having been informed of the arrest of General Coanda at Kiev by the Maximalists asked us to intervene in order to obtain his repatriation. We therefore request our Governments to give the necessary instructions to their representatives at St. Petersburg. On our side we are endeavoring to enter into communication with our agents at Kiev regarding this matter.
