File No. 763.72/9570

The Chargé in Liberia ( Bundy) to the Secretary of State


Verbally informed this morning by French Chargé d’Affaires that Governor General at Dakar has instructed him to have sand bag defense erected outside wireless buildings regardless of objections of Liberian Government. As position of Liberian Government on this question, reported in Legation’s April 14, 7 [8] p.m., remains unaltered, very serious situation threatens to develop. British representative and myself have earnestly endeavored unofficially to prevent crisis. Our efforts drew from Liberian Government the following statement which we were asked to hand French Chargé d’Affaires:

Understanding that its protection is intrusted to Great Britain, Liberian Government cannot accept authority of Governor General of Dakar and can only treat with Great Britain and Allies jointly. [Page 745] Liberian Government refuses permission to erect outside defense to wireless building until Allied Powers send expert opinion to consider again whole question of defense. Meanwhile Liberian Government is prepared, if required, to accept full responsibility for its policy as regards any further damage by submarine attack.
