File No. 763.72111/7140a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile ( Shea)


Department’s August 12, 7 p.m.2 Your September 5, 10 p.m.3 You may informally advise the Foreign Office of the following:

A cable has just been sent by the Department directing the Embassy in London to inform British officials and commercial leaders that the War Trade Board of the United States pledges itself to the policy of eliminating non-essentials, reducing necessary importations to the lowest possible amounts and preventing the utilization of ships suitable for war zone work by cargo for trades which are not essential to the conduct of the military program or the maintenance of the civilian population. You should explain that this pledge is convincing evidence that this Government is determined to utilize every available ship for military purposes in order that a [Page 719] sufficient force of American soldiers may be transported to France before next spring to defeat the German forces.

You may informally ask the Chilean Foreign Office whether it has in mind any plans whereby Chile may obtain products from the United States and send commodities to us under the circumstances.

Your September 3, 6 p.m.1 You may also state to the Foreign Office … the hope of this Government that adequate means will be taken by the Chilean Government to prevent further damage to German ships in the Chilean ports. Also state that this Government has received with great interest the information that the Chilean Government has issued orders for the Chilean authorities to take possession of the German ships in Chilean ports. In this connection say that this Government hopes that the Chilean Government may see its way clear to make some arrangement with it by which the German ships may be made use of to care for commerce between Chile and the United States.

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  1. Ante, p. 716.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.