File No. 763.72/10766
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras ( Curtis)
Your July 19, 6 [10] p.m. Department has also received a note from Bonilla, Minister on Special Mission from Honduras, quoting telegram he had received from President of Honduras in regard to declaration of state of war and officially informing Department of this action on the part of the Government of Honduras.1
You may deliver a note to the Government of Honduras in the sense of the following: The Government of the United States has received with deep satisfaction the announcement that the Government of Honduras has decreed that there exists a state of war between that Republic and the Imperial German Government. This action on the part of Honduras against the common enemy of civilization, human rights and freedom is a further proof of its firm espousal of the cause of democracy. In tendering its congratulations on this momentous occasion to its sister republic, the Government of the United States wishes to congratulate the Government of Honduras upon the noble and high-minded position which it has assumed in association with the other free nations which are battling for the rights of humanity.
- Note from the Honduran Minister not printed.↩