File No. 033.4120/2

The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State


10106. Your 7761, May 16, 4 p.m. On De Bunsen’s arrival at Bio following notice appeared in Times of May 10:

An official British mission is visiting South America. It reached Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday. The head of the mission is Sir Maurice de Bunsen, Ambassador at Vienna at the time of the outbreak of war, who is accompanied by representatives of the Navy and Army, of the Department of Overseas Trade, and of the Foreign Trade Department of the Foreign Office. An official announcement issued last night defines as follows the objects of the mission: [1] to congratulate the countries which have taken action to show their sympathy with the cause of the Allies, and by personal contact with their statesmen to bring to their knowledge with increased force the principles at stake and the ideals which form the aim of this country in [persevering] in the war; [2] to discuss with South American Governments the intricate economic questions which have arisen between them and His Majesty’s Government out of the war, regarding which it is, in many cases, difficult to come to a perfect understanding by [correspondence]; [3] to permit His Majesty’s representatives in South America, after an absence of some years from the United Kingdom, to gain the thorough knowledge of the views of His Majesty’s Government on questions of policy, which is essential to enable them to carry out their instructions in the spirit as well as in the letter.
