File No. 763.72/9485

The Ambassador in Argentina ( Stimson) to the Secretary of State


The Uruguayan Minister informs me that he is going to Montevideo tonight to discuss with the President of Uruguay the incident of the detention of the Uruguayan military mission by a German submarine. It is reported here in the press that the members of the mission, before they were permitted to proceed, were compelled to give their parole not to go to the Allied front, and are now detained in Spain. The Minister will urge that the Uruguayan Government demand of Germany whether it considers itself in a state of war with Uruguay.

If the answer is in the affirmative Argentina will be obliged to reconsider its attitude as regards the war, in view of the existing treaties which guarantee the immunity of the River Plate, and because of President Irigoyen’s recent note to Uruguay, and his speech promising support to Uruguay in the event of German aggression.
