File No. 763.72/8654

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil ( Morgan)


Your January 7, 12 p.m.3 Informed through Navy Department that Brazil through diplomatic channels asked to cooperate with [Page 663] British naval forces at Gibraltar. The Brazilian Minister in London informed British Government on January 1 that the cruisers Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia and four British-built destroyers would proceed to Europe and operate under the orders of the British rear admiral of the naval command in the part [port?] which should be assigned to it and stated that the forces would arrive next February.

At the request of the Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Sims informed the British Admiralty of the strong desire of the United States that the Brazilian naval forces should cooperate with those of this country. The British Admiralty replied that they were perfectly agreeable to the proposal that the Brazilian vessels should cooperate with our forces at Gibraltar. Admiral Sims also states that the operation of the Brazilian forces at the Azores would not appear essential to the execution of the proposed plan, and that the Brazilian vessels need repairs to their boilers which could best be made at Gibraltar.

In order to avoid presenting a second invitation to the Brazilian Government, the Department will take the matter up informally with the Brazilian Ambassador in Washington, advising him that this change has been decided upon by British Admiralty after consultation in regard to Allied interests with American naval representatives in London, to the end Ambassador may suggest to his Government the advisability of Brazilian cooperation with the United States in manner outlined.

The Department will keep you fully informed in regard to this matter.

  1. Not printed.