File No. 763.72115/3342

The Chargé in China ( MacMurray) to the Secretary of State


Your July 6, 4 p.m. British Minister has been instructed by his Government that it would sanction approaching the Chinese Government in regard to the measures to be taken for control of enemy subjects in China, only in the event that all Allied Governments except that of Belgium would unite in an agreement to support some proposal to be carried out without regard to possible reprisals; and has directed him to endeavor in consultation with his colleagues to elaborate such a project.

At a meeting convened by him yesterday in pursuance of that instruction it was resolved that each interested legation should despatch to its government the following telegram suggesting as a basis of concerted action a proposal just offered by the Chinese Government:

The Allied Ministers at their meeting today agreed to recommend to their Governments the proposals which the Chinese Government has for some time made to intern about 120 of the most dangerous enemy subjects in a town about 40 miles from Peking. In view of the failure of the recent negotiations is it considered advisable that the Chinese Government should be encouraged to adopt this measure as a first step with the least possible delay?

The Chinese Government will, with a view to exercising proper supervision over enemy subjects, supplement this step by enforcing passport regulations in a certain manner satisfactory to the Allies.

So soon as we learn that our respective Governments are prepared to sanction this proposal irrespective of any question of reprisals we would convey our approval of the measure to the Chinese Government.

The passport regulations which the Chinese Government has informally indicated its willingness to accept if so requested by the Allies provide all foreigners, except Japanese, shall be required to bear and to exhibit whenever requested passports or permits and that the presentation of such documents and the signature of a special register shall be required as a condition to the purchase of railway or steamship tickets anywhere in China.

I beg to request instructions as to acceptance of the Chinese Government’s proposals concerning both [internment] and passport control.
