File No. 103.94/487

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State


5224. To Baruch for Replogle from Summers:

No. 28. Transportation Council and the Steel Committee have passed resolutions that shipment of rails to Pershing, France, Italy and Belgium, is of such vital importance that it is absolutely necessary to maintain rate of shipment requested, namely Pershing’s entire 200,000 tons to be shipped at rate of 50,000 tons per month. France’s rate of shipment 67,500 tons per month, and Belgium and Italy each 30,000 over remainder of the year.

Artillery committee passed resolution with approval of Stettinius and Wheeler that preference be given to shipments of shell steel for England, France and Italy, over our own factories for next few months to absolutely insure steel going to factories who are now producing regularly, this being the only way to insure finished shells being at the front during this critical period. Stocks of finished shells getting low and must be replenished immediately. Advise Mackall.
