File No. 800.88/183
The French Ambassador ( Jusserand) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 3.]
Mr. Secretary of State: Following a meeting of the Inter-Allied Maritime Transport Council of London and on the advice of the several committees concerned, the British Government has instructed its representatives to hand to Your Excellency a note on the subject [Page 524] of tonnage which was drawn up in accord with the representatives of France and Italy. After a brief statement of the restrictions under which the three Allied great European Powers have quite naturally placed themselves in order to provide for the uninterrupted transportation of the American troops under existing conditions, the note most earnestly proposes that the Government of the United States kindly agree to send to London at the earliest possible date the persons who have charge of and are responsible for the allotment of American tonnage and limitations of American imports. Those delegates would consult with the Ministers of England, France and Italy and join in the study of the resources and needs of the countries concerned.
My Government directs me earnestly to recommend to Your Excellency that this measure which it regards as the most satisfactory toward an early settlement of the vital question of tonnage be adopted.
Be pleased to accept [etc.]