File No. 800.88/164a

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Italy ( Page)2


1584. The United States Government has felt it would be advisable to have Japan represented in the Inter-Allied Maritime Transport [Page 518] Council in London and has suggested it here to representatives of England, France and Italy. Japan has a natural interest because of the large number of boats which they have put at our disposal. Membership in the Council would give Japan a voice in the administration and control of ships and would bring her in close contact with the shipping situation in the Atlantic Ocean. It would further be a tangible recognition of the contributions she has made to help the Allied shipping situation.

If Japan should be a member of the Council she might more easily co-operate with the other nations represented for the allocation of all ships and aid in reducing the tonnage used for nonessentials in the Pacific in order to produce tonnage essential for the conduct of the war. This has not been suggested directly and is for your confidential information. If broached on the subject you may use it very discreetly.

  1. The same, on the same date, to the Ambassadors in Great Britain (No. 390) and France (No. 5111).