File No. 763.72/12061

The Chargé in the Netherlands ( Bliss) to the Secretary of State


4930. German press comment.

Norddeutsche Allgemeine, 3d. Emperor sent following proclamation to Chancellor:

I return to your Grand Ducal Highness herewith enclosed, with view to its early publication, bill for amendment of Imperial Constitution and of the laws of March 7, 1878, relative to representation of Imperial Chancellor, sent me for execution. I have the wish to give expression to that which is moving me on occasion of this step of such great importance for further history of German people. Prepared by series of Government’s acts, a new system now takes effect which transfers fundamental rights from person of Emperor to people. This concludes period which will be held in honor by future generations. Despite all struggles between constituted authorities and forces striving upwards, it has made possible for our people that tremendous development manifested immortally in wonderful achievements of this war. But in terrible storms of four war years old forms have been broken, not to leave ruins behind, but to make room for new forms of life. After accomplishment of this time, German people has a title that no right guaranteeing free and happy future shall be withheld from it. Measures of Federated Governments now accepted and added to by Reichstag owe their origin to this conviction. I accept with my high allies these acts of popular representative body with firm will to cooperate to best of my ability in their full application, convinced that in so doing I serve welfare of German people. Office of Emperor is service of the people. May, then, new institutions realize all forces of good which our people needs to endure sore trials which have fallen upon Empire and to gain with firm step a bright future after darkness of the present.

Berlin, October 28, 1918. Signed, William.

Countersigned, Prince Max of Baden.

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