File No. 862.001W64/34

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Netherlands ( Bliss)


2335. A telegram has been received from Department agent, through American Legation, Berne,1 stating that German Chancellor delayed action on Kaiser’s abdication on presentation of report by Solf from Baron Rosen, German Minister at The Hague, that the President did not insist upon abdication. German Minister gives Kirk as his authority, alleging he communicated that opinion to one named [Hahn], who in turn informed Rosen.

Department cannot believe that Kirk has ever made any such statement.2 On the other hand, if there is any reason to think that Hahn received such an impression from Kirk, he should be advised that his impression as to the views of the President of the United States is wholly unwarranted and should not be considered.

  1. Not printed, but see telegram from the Vice Consul at Zürich, Oct. 23, ante, p. 394.
  2. The Chargé replied, in telegram No. 4943 of Nov. 5: “Kirk states that question of Kaiser’s abdication was never discussed with Hahn and that at no time has anything been said which would give impression of reflecting views of American Government.” (File No. 862.001W64/36.)