File No. 763.72119/2382

The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State


5461. Berne Bund, 28th: Hungarian press bureau reports from Budapest creation, 25th, Hungarian National Council by Károlyi Party, Social Democrats and Radicals. Program demands removal present Government, independence Hungary, Hungarian troops to be recalled from front, and “immediate ending of hopeless war.” [In] peace negotiations interests of Hungary alone must be considered and German alliance dissolved. Lower House to be dissolved and new House elected based on equal and woman suffrage. Non-Hungarian nationalities of Hungary must have right of self-determination in sense of Wilson principles. Hungarian delegates peace conference must favor disarmament, League of Nations and arbitration. National Assembly alone can decide questions peace and war. Same paper: Berlin reports creation Soldiers’ and Workmen’s Council in Budapest. Whole press appears uncensored and favours Károlyi. Bourgeois and students have organized and 200 officers demanded peace at Károlyi Club. Károlyi now subject to National Council.

Berne Bund, 28th: German Reichstag Majority proposes article of Constitution that Chancellor must have confidence Reichstag. [Page 404] Chancellor also responsible for all official acts of Emperor. Proposes also that Chancellor shall countersign all military appointments. Minister of War also to be responsible to Reichstag. Majority party has introduced proposal to subject military authorities to civil authority. Secretary of State Groeber announced that if these proposals were accepted by Reichstag Government would speak for them in Bundesrat. All proposals were accepted by all votes against Conservative opposition.

Berne Bund, 28th, Vienna: Lammasch intends formation coalition cabinet of officials without party colour. This Government to be transitional and task to bring about peace as soon as possible. Vienna Correspondence Bureau reports Redlich as Finance Minister new Cabinet, which will contain all former Ministers except Justice who will be higher official. Same paper, Vienna Correspondence Bureau reports acceptance by city congress German-Austrian proposal for German National Council soon to administer new German-Austrian state and to prevent hunger catastrophe by organizing food supply. Meeting affirmed faithfulness to alliance with Germany. Same paper, Austrian War Press Bureau reports riots Fiume due to misled replacement company. All troops fighting [with] accustomed bravery.
