File No. 763.72119/2167

The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State


5178. From a Pole in close touch with the Polish authorities in Warsaw, I have received following information:

From different parts of former Russian Poland appeals have been received for military force for police duty after the signing of the armistice. In view of the increasing danger of social revolution and of the fear that the Germans leaving the country would sack it and foster anarchy, it has been repeatedly suggested from Warsaw that the most desired would be American forces combined with the Polish legions on the French front. The first request of that kind came in July after the first Allied victories. Since then with always-increasing insistence those requests were sent out five times, coming from all parts of Russian Poland.

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In view of the fact that similar reports have reached me from other sources (see my 5139, October 10, 2 p.m.1), I believe that the danger of anarchy in eastern states bordering Germany will become very real with withdrawal of German troops from this territory.

  1. Not printed.