File No. 763.72119/2060
The Diplomatic Liaison Officer with the Supreme War Council ( Frazier) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 8, 1 p.m.]
141. At the termination of the conference this afternoon Mr. Lloyd George informed me that they had agreed upon the military measures to be taken in Bulgaria. A portion of the troops were to be sent to the Danube but the larger number, including Greeks and Serbians, were to attack to the north of Constantinople. He said that they had not come to any agreement regarding terms of an armistice with Turkey. He had proposed himself that the Allies should notify the Turks of the territory which would be left to them, detaching from it such non-Turkish parts as Arabia, Armenia, etc., but no conclusion had been reached; they had agreed to refer the question of the conditions of an armistice with Germany to the military representatives at Versailles; naval representatives would also be present as the naval aspect of the armistice was most important. Germany might for instance agree to abstain from submarine warfare if the blockade were removed; such points could be decided by the naval authorities.
He was exceedingly anxious to find out whether President Wilson had replied to the German peace proposal and earnestly hoped that the President would send Colonel House over at the earliest moment. He remarked that he had discussed the peace proposal of the Central Powers quite fully with Albert Thomas yesterday. The latter was entirely sound on the question of Alsace-Lorraine and Netherlands [Belgium?] but felt that no impossible conditions should be imposed upon Germany. Mr. Balfour did not cross over but Mr. Bonar Law and Lord Robert Cecil represented Great Britain in addition to the Prime Minister. M. Clemenceau and M. Pichon represented France while Italy was represented by Signor Orlando and Baron Sonnino. [Page 345] The foreign representatives are remaining in Paris over tomorrow in the hope that something may be heard from President Wilson.