File No. 763.72Su/9

The Ambassador in France ( Sharp ) to the Secretary of State


3088. Referring my 3061, 18th.1 Frazier reports to me as follows:

The military representatives of the Supreme War Council in session yesterday passed a resolution of which the following is the substance:

It is the opinion of the military representatives that the formation of a general reserve for the whole of the Allied forces on the western front for both France and Italy is imperative. They therefore express the wish that, on account of its urgency, a decision upon this subject be reached at the next meeting of the Supreme War Council, and that as preparation for such decision the respective Governments acquaint their military representatives, as soon as possible, with the views of their commanders-in-chief and chiefs of staff upon this question; especially as regards the amount this reserve, its location and the commanders thereof.

At the same session the military representatives agreed to the creation of a committee of supply in addition to committees of aviation, transportation and tanks, such committee to occupy itself with the question of supply of nitrates for Great Britain, France and Italy, as well as the question of remounts and mechanical transport vehicles, in view of the stoppage of the imports of both for a period of three months from January 1918. It is probable that this committee will also discuss the priority of various supplies required by Italy. It is now probable that the Prime Ministers will not sit at War Council meeting on 29th instant.

  1. Ante, p. 31.