File No. 763.72/10835
The Ambassador in Italy ( Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 27, 6.34 a.m.]
1878. My 1579.1 In conversation with Baron Sonnino today he took up again question of Bulgaria, reiterating his conviction that, [Page 294] if we declared or put ourselves in train to declare war, Bulgaria would be greatly affected. He thinks that this is an auspicious time when we are gaining on French front. He says that Bulgaria is always playing game, holding out suggestions of making peace, but he will have nothing to do with it as every step he takes touching upon Balkan matters is liable to excite suspicion of other allies that such an action has ulterior motives. He believes Bulgaria most susceptible now to the fear of losing out.
I promised to report his view which is worth considering. The new Italian Minister to Chile, who says that he knows Bulgaria, holds this view. He thinks Bulgaria susceptible to advances. This I question.