File No. 763.72119/1795
The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 13, 10.12 a.m.]
3932. I have received written statement from Herron on matter reported orally, mentioned in my 3884, July 5.1 Statement is being forwarded by me. Herron writes as follows:
May I suggest that you intimate to Washington that if there is anything to say, if the President or the State Department cares to express any wish as to what I, individually and unofficially, may say or may not say, this would need to be done as quickly as possible. I think that Washington might well let me know, for my own personal guidance, whether it is thought wise to keep this Bavarian door open, even though a negative answer or no direct answer at all be given, to Bavaria.
While I am not clear what answer, if any, the Department may care to make, I consider it advisable to transmit this request.