File No. 763.72119/1622

The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State


3181. My 3153, April 24, 8 p.m. De Jong, a Dutch pacifist, reports an interview on April 10 in Switzerland with Doctor Solf, the German Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs, as follows:

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Probably first phase of offensive will end about the middle of May, At that time there would be possibility of peace conversations. There are strong influences in Germany which favor at that time a clear declaration that Germany will restore absolute and unconditional independence to Belgium and that Germany will submit Brest and Bucharest treaties to revision. Solf willing to use his influence to this extent. Such sane and moderate policy has approval overwhelming majority of people and Majority Reichstag. If opportunity for peace conversations is rejected by Entente, German war party will be strengthened.

Solf authorized De Jong to communicate this to friends in Entente countries, but stipulated his name be not used, since Pan-Germans would then try to eject him from office.

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