File No. 860e.01/2

The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State


6240. Following joint telegram from Allied Ministers dated November 27:

The government of the Ukraine has communicated to us a note bearing principally on the following points:

Formation of a new Ministry which has declared itself in favor of the reconstitution of the unity of Russia, and has decided to take a definite part in the struggle against the Bolsheviks.
Request for the immediate sending of Allied delegates to Kiev. The Consul of France has already left for his post there and has been invited to make in the name of the Allied Ministers a joint declaration against Bolshevism. The state of anarchy of the country and the interruption of all channels of communication have so far prevented him from going beyond Odessa.
Request for the immediate sending of four battalions; viz., two to Kiev and two to Odessa.
Request for the immediate occupation of the railroad to Odessa at the two following points: Zhmerinka and Birzula. It [Page 703] is estimated that this operation can be carried out by four battalions, three being assigned to the first point and one to the second. A French torpedo boat and an English torpedo boat having arrived at Galatz, the French and British Ministers have wired them to go immediately to Odessa.
