File No. 763.72/8200
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 19, 3.25 p.m.]
7999. Your 6023, December 13, 2 p.m.1
About ten days ago British Government authorized agents in southern Russia to offer £10,000,000 to one group, £10,000,000 to another, and sum not fixed to Armenians and Georgians in order that latter might offer resistance against anticipated attacks from Turks who are presumed to be arming themselves with rifles sold by Russian soldiers. Thus far no results from these authorizations and latest news though very incomplete represents situation as unpromising for movements of kind indicated in your telegram. However, have reason to believe that British effort will accomplish all that can now be considered valuable in this direction. Since this effort was made quite independently even of French both Ambassador and I feel it [Page 592] unnecessary for us to offer just now to share liability though British have been given to understand we will consider sharing in any wise effort. Views of French Government similar to British. Expect to hear from Paris again to-morrow. Ambassador and I will cable you further in few days. Crosby.1
I should go further than Crosby and decline to risk money in an enterprise so doubtful and about which so little is known either by British Government or ourselves. I should surely wait till these people give some hopeful evidence of their strength and spirit.