File No. 861.00/2537
The British Embassy
to the Department of State
[August 19, 1918]
[The following paraphrase of a telegram was left by the Chargé at the
Department of State on August 19, 1918:]
H. M. S.
“Suffolk” to the British
The proposal with regard to the question of martial law which was
again raised on the morning of August 10 was defeated owing to
the opposition on the part of the American Admiral. All the
other naval and military representatives were in favour of
instituting it.
It was finally agreed to form a committee to draw up for further
consideration a statement of the limitations imposed on the
Russian authorities should
[Page 351]
they declare martial law, it being
understood that if this were done at all it could only be done
if the Allies approved of and supported it. The Russians are
most anxious for a declaration of martial law.
The immediate establishment of martial law is an urgent
necessity, as enemy propaganda is rife and enemy agents are
doing their best to obtain information of a military nature from
our men by the free offer of liquor and to instil the doctrine
of violence against authority and of insubordination. We have no
machinery at present with which to deal with these persons.