File No. 763.72/4711a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Russia ( Francis)


1407. Following is official list of Special Diplomatic Mission of United States:

Elihu Root, ambassador extraordinary of the United States of America on special mission; John R. Mott, Charles R. Crane, Cyrus H. McCormick, Samuel R. Bertron, James Duncan, Charles Edward Russell, envoys extraordinary of the United States of America on special mission; Maj. Gen. Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff, military representative of the President of the United States of America, on special diplomatic mission, with rank of minister; Rear Adm. James H. Glennon, naval representative of the President of the United States of America, on special mission, with rank of minister; Col. R. E. L. Michie, aide to General Scott; Col. William V. Judson, military attaché to the special diplomatic mission: Lieut. Col. Bentley T. Mott, aide to Mr. Root; Surg. Holton C. Curl, U.S.N., with [Page 110] rank of lieutenant commander; Lieut. Alva D. Bernhard, aide to Admiral Glennon; Basil Miles, secretary to mission; Maj. Stanley Washburn, assistant secretary to mission; F. Eugene Prince, civilian aide and interpreter to mission; James E. McKenna, Clyde S. Stilwell, James F. O’Rourke, Jay Keegan, Duane E. Washburn, Walter W. King, and George D. Gregory, clerks to mission; Sergt. Paul Z. Randolph, orderly; George E. Long, messenger; James Dooley, valet.

If any preparations are to be made for meeting mission at Vladivostok you may advise Russian Government that they will land there about May 28.
