File No. 861.00/2834

The Consul at Moscow ( Poole), temporarily at Christiania, to the Secretary of State


I have come here with a view to accelerating if possible through the Norwegian Government departure from Russia of the Americans [Page 674] mentioned my No. 9 of the 25th. Will return Stockholm October 1. Norwegian Chargé d’Affaires, Petrograd, also here, having left Petrograd 25th. He reports that special messenger has been sent to Tsaritsyn to bring Vice Consuls Burri and Leonard to Moscow and that Chicherin has given written order for their departure from Russia. Chicherin also promises that Paul Anderson will be released and permitted to depart. I am telegraphing Wardwell of the Red Cross to hasten in every way his and Andrews’s leaving.

Norwegian Chargé d’Affaires reports conditions unchanged at Petrograd on the day of the departure, wholesale arrests continuing.
