File No. 861.00/363

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


1293. Situation complicated. Conditions unsatisfactory. Kerensky appointed Minister of War because it is believed he can persuade army to fight. Position of workmen’s committee is that there should be conference between Allies, as ourselves and new Russian Government are not parties to old agreements, provisions of which are secret. They do not demand that treaties be made public but that we and the new Russian Government be acquainted therewith and express our satisfaction therewith provided we subscribe thereto. They appear to mistrust Milyukov who has just telephoned me that he has resigned and will see me at his house this evening. Says no successor has been appointed. Riga Consul reports soldiers fraternizing with Germans and cannot be induced to advance but would resist if attacked. Consul, Odessa, reports sentiment strongly favors peace without annexations or contributions and that serious military operations [Page 67] ceased. Soldiers, laborers and students agitating land division. Considerable hostility Riga and Petrograd against England because believed standing in the way of peace. Moscow Consul reports situation precarious. Unrest growing. Conservative party element anxious and looks to the Ministry and Allies for restoration of confidence. This is most discouraging report received. Summers fears anarchy. All depends on army which appears divided. Ministry fearing majority, favors workmen’s party.
