File No. 861.00/1322
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 20, 12.06 a.m.]
17. Have telegraphed Tokyo and Peking requesting keep me advised developments especially movements Japanese, Chinese troops. If division each American and Chinese troops could enter Russia with Japanese, think opposition to latter be minimized thereby.
Tredwell, whom I sent to Petrograd, wires it is believed that city be controlled by German commission supported by army within a week; that next move will be on Moscow, and peace will be brief.
Tredwell telegraphs, Haynes and Sisson with other Americans left Helsingfors 12th for Björneborg, Finnish port.
I gave Moscow and Petrograd press declaration that America does not recognize separate peace, but considers herself still ally of Russian people against common enemy. Told mayor of it, and asked if would be less welcome thereby; he replied promptly would not.
Mayor, commissaire, chairmen Duma and local Soviet, and five other officials dining at local Embassy 19th instant.