File No. 861.00/1685
The Military Attaché in Russia ( Judson) to the War College Staff
[Copy received from War Department, December 6.]
Text received Kerth’s protest filed at Stavka3 November 27 against separate armistice. Contains no word in message [sic]. Same date French military representative Stavka informed latter French Government does not recognize Bolshevik government and relies on Russian high command to put aside all criminal negotiations, etc. Based on these two communications Trotsky makes statement that [Page 273] Soviet government can not permit such interferences with internal life country which tend to kindle civil war. Further such steps, he says, will bring heavy consequences for which his government refuses to accept responsibility.
Excellent authority for belief that British Ambassador has requested authority his Government to adopt very conciliatory attitude toward Russia and all political elements thereof including Bolsheviks, even recognizing that Russia may be in fact forced to peace of any character.
Something may yet be saved of favorable Russian influence upon Allies’ interests. Wide margin still among possibilities. Long-armistice rather than separate peace might result in continuing enemy troops, retaining nearly two million enemy prisoners and depriving Germany of Russian supplies.
Patience, not unfriendly attitude, now demanded with no further protests or threats.
If Constitutional Assembly Bolshevik it will be time for recognition; if Cadet, Assembly will probably not have opportunity to function.
Above cabled to Pershing.
- The Stavka, or army headquarters, was at Mogilev.↩