File No. 861.00/429

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


1532. Comptroller, an Octobrist, and Minister of Justice, socialist, resigned leaving only eight in the Ministry, of which five are socialists; namely, Ministers War, Agriculture, Labor, Post [and] Telegraph and Foodstuffs. Three others are Procurator Holy Synod, independent conservative; Minister of Foreign Affairs, who says is [Page 162] radical, and that means between Cadets and socialists, but no regular party organization; and Prince Lvov, affiliated with Cadets but not in accord with Milyukov, Cadet leader, was chosen President of Ministry because he was the president of Zemstvo Union and of high character. Following departments without head: Finance, Justice, Ways of Communication, Trade and Industry, Education, Public Welfare, Comptrollership. Have asked conference with President of Ministry but was informed he is inaccessible to-day, will receive me 2 to-morrow afternoon.

Socialist Minister of Justice resigned because divulged evidence showing Bolsheviks receiving German money which soldiers wished kept secret. No reason assigned for Comptroller.

All-Russian Congress of Workmen, Peasants, Soldiers[’ Deputies], which adjourned recently and left committee in charge, called to meet Petrograd July 28. This organization appears stronger than Government. Bolsheviks [comprise?] workmen and soldiers but only twilight zone between them and anarchists whom all parties condemn. Cheidze is president of Petrograd Council, also president of All-Russian Congress of Councils of Workmen, Peasants and Soldiers[’ Deputies].
