File No. 763.72/6743

The Chargé in the Netherlands ( Langhorne) to the Secretary of State


1314. German press summary:

Vorwärts comments capture Riga. Happily German reply to Pope will not be under auspices waning German military power but is sign evidence of German strength. It can be stated all more frankly German people wants no other gain from this war than lasting peace guaranteed by international law. If adversaries refuse whole German people is ready to contribute in order that Riga shall not be last success German arms this war. Only thus can warfare and policy working in common successfully complete most difficult task ever imposed on any people.

Wolff’s Bureau publishes interview with Chancellor on Sukhomlinov trial which he claims destroys enemy legend Germany’s war responsibility. No American note can alter historic truth Germany forced to fight by criminal enemy war agitators nor will any such note shake our firm determination to fight in loyal cooperation Crown Government and people to attain war object for which heroes have been struggling and bleeding more than three years; namely, the conservation our sacred right to Germany’s integrity and freedom of her secure peaceable further evolution.

Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitung prints report New York Sum, President sent private letter to Pope expressing willingness consider further proposals.

Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger comments daily telegraph report Washington received confidential information break between Reichstag Majority and Admiralty on submarine issue shows damaging effect regrettable occurrences in Reichstag committee.

Kölnische Zeitung quotes twelve Socialist papers condemning President’s note. In appeal for subscriptions seventh war loan Berlin eldest merchants’ association it is doubly patriotic duty every German to subscribe at moment when United States President in complete ignorance German conditions and venting hostility to German Empire illy concealed before this undertakes again dastardly attempt to sow discord between German Government and people. We should prove by success new war loan that in face of this absolutely hopeless attempt Germany is only welded more firmly together for unanimous peace and security economic and political future. Emperor replied telegram Bremen Chamber Commerce German loyalty will frustrate every attempt to divide German people and its Emperor.

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Frankfurter Zeitung comments statement American State Department overthrow Hohenzollerns not peace condition shows again how astonishingly ignorant America is of real condition. If one didn’t know this was expression Anglo-Saxon arrogance one would be led to think Wilson and Lansing were playing into hands German reactionaries. German people with its high degree political, moral, spiritual forces will organize appropriate Government. This has nothing to do with peace. Fatal mistake will be made by continuing to talk to us as if we had to accept peace as a gift.

Düsseldorfer General-Anzeiger reports recent speech Von Heydebrand attacking Reichstag peace resolution saying if submarine war demanded by Conservatives had been started year ago there would probably be peace now. He was convinced war couldn’t last through winter, perhaps not even to end of year. Annexations couldn’t be dispensed with because inadequate frontiers couldn’t be held.

Professor Hasenclever writing in Kölnische Zeitung on recent severe losses Canadian troops says American armament probably contemplates conquest of Canada.

Paper comment on split in Austrian Polish club on issue Polish self-government Professor Hoetzsch in Kreuzzeitung claims whole German Polish policy complete failure. Centrals could no longer figure on independent Poland loyal to them. Poles have united on complete independence with international guarantee and free hand towards Centrals. Nevertheless Erzberger and others demanded in Reichstag committee Polish Parliament and Ministry.

Krakow Czas reports September 1 Governor General Von Beseler told pro tempore committee of Polish State Council he expected any day instructions from Berlin for establishment all branches Polish Government.

Berliner Tageblatt reports temporary shortage meat in Berlin expected last two weeks.

Frankfurter Zeitung reports factory recently completed and now in operation at Ski, Norway, for manufacture new explosive aerolite.
