File No. 763.72119/818

The Minister in Denmark ( Egan) to the Secretary of State


1156. One of the results of President’s reply to Pope has been to bring out in German reactionary organs a demand that nothing more be said for the present regarding parliamentary institutions and democratization inasmuch as it is favored by Wilson.

Berliner Tageblatt contests this standpoint saying that changes in the government system should be made for the very purpose of destroying this weapon now being used against Germany by her enemies. Paper complains as usual that the great industries are standing behind the Conservatives in their fight against freer institutions.

Vossische Zeitung, September 4, says that while representative organs in Hungary agree with those in Germany and Austria in scepticism over President’s answer, it is hard to understand the attitude of the Budapest Az Est which describes the note as one to which every friend of peace and every patriot can subscribe. Paper quotes Az Est as saying that America has unconditionally put herself on the side of no annexation and that for Hungary is the most important thing, further the underlying thought of Wilson is conducive to permanent world’s peace. Papers are doing much apparently to counteract effect of President’s charges against Germany, much space being given last few days to statements of Russian generals regarding Russian mobilization and also to text of Bethmann’s interview with Associated Press correspondent in reply to Gerard, but naturally no reference is made to the recently published telegrams from the Greek Minister at Berlin August 4, 1914, announcing, on the Emperor’s authority, the signing of a German-Turkish treaty on that day.

Deutsche Tageszeitung and Vorwärts are having sharp word war over the former’s asserting that the Reichstag coalition is not backed by a majority of the people.

Tageszeitung also attacks the Social Democrats now on the ground that they are going arm in arm with Wilson for other purpose than to shake the foundations of the German Empire, whatever the outcome of the President’s note may be as affecting German internal politics, the immediate result is seen in the endeavor of the Right to weaken the Social Democrats by a charge of non-patriotism. There is some talk of a dissolution of the Reichstag.

New order of Imperial Clothing Department forbids sale of used wash goods.
