File No. 714.1515/32

The Special Mission of Guatemala to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: In order to carry into effect the kindly mediation which the illustrious Government of your excellency has been good enough to offer to our Government, in order that a just and equitable boundary treaty may be made with the Republic of Honduras, we have the honor to address your excellency and to request that, if you will be so kind, the valued and good offices of the American Government may be interposed with the Government of Honduras to the end that the last treaty on this subject made with Honduras at Tegucigalpa be put into force.

In making this request it affords us pleasure to express to you the satisfaction and gratitude with which our Government has received the valued offer of the Government of your excellency and the hope it entertains that through such a medium a harmonious solution may be reached.

We avail [etc.]

  • M. Echeverria y Vidaurre
  • Manuel Ma. Giron
  • Claudio Urrutia