File No. 711.5914/264

The Danish Minister to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary of State: Confirming what I had the pleasure to tell you verbally yesterday, I beg to say that I have yesterday received from the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs the Danish instrument of ratification relative to the treaty of August 4, 1916, for the cession of the Danish West Indian Islands to the United States, together with a Royal Full Power to proceed to the exchange of the ratifications as soon as possible.

You will remember that by Article 4 of the treaty it has been stipulated “that the cession with the right of immediate possession is to be deemed complete on the exchange of ratifications.”

With regard to this point the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs in his dispatch to me adds that, in case the desire of the Government of the United States to hasten the actual taking possession of the islands should not now be present in the same degree as at the time, when the treaty was drafted, the Danish Government would nevertheless greatly appreciate if the remaining acts of the cession could be completed as soon as circumstances will permit. An important reason for this desire is, that the Danish Government would wish very much to recall, as soon as possible, the Danish Cruiser Valkyrien, at present at St. Thomas, but greatly needed in home waters and whose commander Captain Konow, acting Governor of the islands, could be authorized to formally deliver the islands to the United States, in accordance with Article 4 of the treaty, if you could see your way to make this formal delivery of the islands to the United States possible within a short time.

I am also authorized to add that, according to a recent report to me from the acting Governor of the islands, the uncertainty which now necessarily weighs on all conditions in the islands, until the time when the United States shall definitely have taken possession of them, has created a certain agitation and fermentation in the population, which it is difficult for him to cope with and desirable to put an end to as soon as possible.

Trusting that you may be able on the strength of these considerations to obtain the completion of the yet remaining acts of the cession at the earliest possible moment,

I am [etc.]

C. Brun