File No. 711. 5914/192

Minister Egan to the Secretary of State

No. 984

Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegram No. 216 of January 6, directing that an official map, showing the boundaries of the group of islands, keys and rocks in the West Indies over which Denmark claims sovereignty and which she cedes to the United States under the pending treaty, be forwarded to the Department, I have the honor to state that the Legation is sending, by the pouch leaving here on January 11, 1917, via the Scandinavian-American Line, the maps as requested. The Legation is enclosing a copy of the Foreign Office note, indicating that the maps are the official expression of the Danish Government as to the geographic limits of the Danish West Indies.

I have [etc.]

Maurice Francis Egan
[Page 691]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Minister Egan

Journal Nr. 8m15

Monsieur Le Ministre: Referring to your note of January 8th of this year, I have the honor to forward to you herewith maps showing specifically the boundaries of the group of islands, keys and rocks in the West Indies over which Denmark claims sovereignty and which she cedes to the United States under the pending treaty. The lines drawn in the maps are the official expression of the Danish Government as to the geographic limits of the Danish West Indies.

Receive [etc.]

Erik Scavenius