The Acting Secretary of State to Consul Payne
Washington, September 2, 1905.
Sir: Referring to your despatch No. 69, of June 5 last, relative to the reported absorption of the Danish West India Company, which operates a line of steamers between Copenhagen and St. Thomas, by the Hamburg-American Line, I have to say that the Department is in receipt of advices from its representatives in Copenhagen tending to confirm this report as well as the rumor respecting the purchase of Water Island, which it appears was acquired by the Danish West India Company by purchase from private ownership, although it is not stated whether the ownership of this island passed to the Hamburg-American Line with the control of the steamship interests of the Danish West India Company.
It is desired that you make discreet inquiry respecting these reports and furnish the Department with as full information as may be thus obtained, and that you also watch the situation and keep the Department fully advised in respect to future developments.
I am [etc.]