File No. 813. 00/858
The Salvadorean Minister to the Secretary of State
Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., August 23, 1917.
Most excellent Sir: By reason of the present Government of Nicaragua’s denunciation of the convention which created the Central American Court of Justice, my Government, interested in conserving for the Central American countries the beneficent influence of that high tribunal, has made known to the other Governments of Central America its desire that a Central American Conference be held for the purpose of considering and proposing the form and conditions in which the Central American Court of Justice shall continue at the expiration of the period set in the Regulations of 1907.
And taking into consideration the fact that the Conference that gave birth to the high tribunal above referred to was held on the friendly initiative of the Governments of the United States and Mexico, and the great effect of the moral support of the two friendly nations on the practice of the principles and the performance of the purposes adopted at the said conference, my Government, as a token of its debt of gratitude, has given me special instructions to say to your excellency that it would be highly pleased if your Government would send representatives to the contemplated conference in the event of its being held.
Hoping that your excellency’s Government will favorably entertain my Government’s initiative and gladly lend it its friendly assistance in bringing to a happy conclusion the labors of the contemplated conference, I reiterate [etc.]